Congresso em Foco


Política, Brasília e os bastidores do poder como você nunca viu Contribua
Política, Brasília e os bastidores do poder como você nunca viu

Gregório Duvivier e Ciro Gomes: no debate com o artista, pior para o presidenciável. Foto: Reprodução

Eleições 2022

O cansaço eleitoral e os candidatos de auditório

28.05.2022 14:00 1

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Uma resposta para “O cansaço eleitoral e os candidatos de auditório”

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    Bitcoin halving occurs approximately every four years, where the rewards given to Bitcoin miners for mining blocks are cut in half. Halving was built into the Bitcoin protocol to maintain its value as a deflationary currency. By reducing the amount of new bitcoins, the protocol aims to prevent the devaluation of Bitcoin over time, which often happens with inflationary currencies. Bitcoin Price Loading chart… (uses javascript) Meanwhile, those investors who purchased Bitcoin one month ago and sold it today would be recording a gain of 32.92%, as the maiden crypto was at press time trading at $22,855. Its current price also represents a decline of 0.12% on the day but still an increase of 7.93% on its weekly chart. On the same date, Jennifer decides she wants to put $5,000 toward Bitcoin, but instead of spending $5,000 in one day, she puts $500 toward Bitcoin every month for ten months. Due to price fluctuations, Alice owns 0.61 BTC at the end of the year, almost double what Michael holds.
    Despite its fast expansion and widely dispersed remote workforce, little is known about Binance, the biggest cryptocurrency exchange in the world. Binance continued to be a key participant in the cryptocurrency industry in 2022, despite the bear market, with an average daily trading volume of $65 billion. A lot of © 2022 Social Finance, Inc. With crypto staking, you earn funds by holding coins or tokens in your wallet. On Proof of Stake blockchains, rewards based on minting new coins are distributed to those who stake funds according to the size of their holdings. Like using the best yield farming crypto platforms, crypto staking can incentivize investors to hold their crypto assets long term. This is because many staking platforms require a lock-in period, meaning investors can’t access their holdings for a set number of days.

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Se você chegou até aqui, uma pergunta: qual o único veículo brasileiro voltado exclusivamente para a cobertura do Parlamento? O primeiro a revelar quais eram os parlamentares acusados criminalmente, tema que jamais deixou de monitorar? Que nunca renunciou ao compromisso de defender a democracia? Sim, é o Congresso em Foco. Estamos há 20 anos de olho no poder, aqui em Brasília. Reconhecido por oito leões em Cannes (França) e por vários outros prêmios, nosso jornalismo é único, original e independente. Precisamos do seu apoio para prosseguir nessa missão. Mantenha o Congresso em Foco na frente!

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